
To get started, click on Session 1 below. You'll need the enrollment key that was provided to you. Need to enroll in the course but don't have an enrollment key? Email judicialservices@clcillinois.edu.

Before you begin

The online class requires Adobe Flash player to display properly, and may not work on mobile devices (including tablets). To enable the Flash player, follow these directions:

We recommend the web browser Firefox on a laptop or desktop PC, with Adobe Flash Player installed. Follow these steps to install Firefox and Adobe Flash Player:

  1. Download and install the Firefox web browser on your computer (cannot be a mobile device such as phone or iPad).
  2. Using the Firefox web browser that you just installed, follow the steps on this page to install and verify that Adobe Flash Player is installed and operating:

Once Adobe Flash Player is configured, you can take the class using the Firefox web browser.

We do not recommend Chrome, as some users have been reporting that class progress is not saved when using Chrome on a Windows PC.

Need assistance? Email clcfamily@children1stfoundation.org and let us know you're taking the CLC Family Parenting Course.
    Skip available courses

    Available courses

    The goals of the program are to provide you information and teach you skills as parents to ease the divorce process for your children and yourselves. For Session 1, our goals are for you to learn how to take care of yourself and your children, understand what your children's needs are, and learn how to communicate with your children. We will also learn how to resolve conflict with your ex-partner.
    For most of this session, we will watch and learn about some common pitfalls that parents experience when going through a divorce. You may identify with some of the mistakes we show you. It’s important to know that these are natural mistakes to make. So remember that you are not alone if you have made some of these mistakes, even to a smaller degree. To enroll in this session, use the enrollment key provided at the end of session 1.